Monday, September 5, 2011

Big changes... I hope it's for the better...

Many things are going to change again.. Sigh.. Big changes this time..

Just a bit of update on what is going on currently..

I've started studying again. Want to get a degree and i hope this time i have finally found my calling in Psychology. I am also working part time as a data entry staff on days that i am not working. I really hate the job, have tried looking for other jobs, but it seems its really hard to find another job that allows you to work as and when you like and still pays pretty well. =/

Dearest have just accepted a job. It is very good news because the job pays well and it is something he really wants to do long term. The only down side is that he will need to be based at KL during the weekdays and will only be able to come back to SG during the weekends and that is only provided he doesn't have anything on during the weekends.

Other then that, the job is pretty good. He is practically working like an expat over there. He will have a house, that the boss of the company bought, to live in, a car to drive there, all travel expenses there and even to travel back and forth to SG are all claimable back from the company and even a shell card will be given to him to pump petrol in SG. The boss even said he might give him a company credit card for him to use should he need to bring clients out for food and drinks. So all he really needs to pay is his bills and food expenses. All these will help greatly in helping him to clear off his debts and may even allow him to finally start saving for the future.

However, because he will need to be stationed in KL, i will need to do more to look after puppy and mylo on top of juggling my studies and work. We have given up on the idea of giving up puppy to someone else to look after because both of us love him too much to even bear the thought of giving him away. So i decided i would travel to his house after work and stay over on certain nights to keep him company and bring him on his regular walks. His mum is asking him to get rid of puppy just cause he won't be around that often, but we are not going to do that. It's not like we are asking her to look after puppy and it is not even an inconvenience since puppy is closed up in dear's bedroom when neither of us are home, so there is no trouble of puppy disturbing her and dirtying the house. Not that puppy would also because he have been toilet trained. Plus, puppy is like our son, she may not be able to relate because to her puppy is just an animal, but i doubt she would give up her children if her own mother had asked her to.

Things would be easier if my dad would just let me keep puppy at home, but my dad just won't allow it and i know that it is very difficult to talk him into it, plus i do not want to add additional stress that my dad will give to my mum, so we have no choice but to go with this arrangement and see how it goes. If my dad is not happy about it then it's too bad. I don't really care. If he can't understand just how important my boys are in my life, then that is his problem.

Well, that is basically the big major change that is going to happen. We will have lesser time together, i will have more responsibilities and lesser time with my friends, but if it is all worth it then i'm willing to do the best that i can to juggle everything and make things work.