Saturday, November 12, 2011

A look back on life...

Been a long time since i've updated my blog, as usual, no time, don't feel like updating, blah, blah, blah... 

And as usual, many things have happened and changed. Last i updated, dear got a job and i started studying again. All the assignments and stress that comes with studying have all started. Most probably need to quit my day job to be able to concentrate on my studies and to do well. Quite happy because i got a high distinction on my first subject. Never got a high distinction for anything in my life. 

On a not so happy side note, dear might be losing his job. His boss is too female bias and it is not working out well for him. Actually, it never worked out well for any of the male employees in the company because they always get scolded and blamed for things that isn't their fault, many of them left in the past because of this exact reason. The boss was just too ridiculously female bias and he only listen to the female employees. So dear got seriously sabotaged by the newly employed female supervisor. She is really one hell of a bitch. I think it is because she knows (actually everybody knows) that the boss is very female bias, so she used that to her advantage by bad-mouthing dear a lot to their boss and most probably made up a lot of stories to make dear look incompetent. So much so that even when dear tried to explain the real situation to their boss, he doesn't even want to listen. Talk about a seriously insecure bitch. Good luck to the boss too, because if this is the way he is going to run his business, it will go seriously wrong one day. If he manages to turn his offices into all girl environment, there is going to be a lot of bitching and backstabbing. The kind of environment that can never retain good talents. So here we are, we are back to where we were before, worrying about money.

Though my life now may not be ideal, but i still believe it will get better. Like the Chinese saying goes,"先苦后甜", loosely translated to savor the sweet after the bitter. If we are going through so much hard times now, i believe we will enjoy a lot of sweetness later in life. Though in our relationship, we have gone through more bad times then good, i would not have chosen differently if given another chance to go back in time, because right now, my heart feels the safest it has ever been. I know i will never again have to suffer the same kind of betrayal and hurt that my ex-boyfriend inflicted on me. I'm fortunate to have found someone who loves me, will always stay faithful in a relationship and will not hurt me the way my ex-boyfriend did. When i was with my ex-boyfriend, i always had the fear that he would do the same thing he did to his ex-girlfriend onto me, which was to leave me for another girl, so i let my guard down and chose to trust him and his words of never leaving me and loving me forever, blah, blah, blah. Sadly his promises were all just empty words. I wouldn't be surprised if he have made the same exact promise to his current girlfriend as well, i just wish her all the best and good luck that it isn't the same empty words he gave me as well. It's like they say, a leopard can never change it's spots and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

One thing i was happy to get away from was the expectations of his family, their expectations of always greeting everyone before every meal plus some other things that i don't remember anymore and i also believe till today that his sister never liked me, maybe because i am tall, she is short (i wouldn't be surprise if it was true though, i've had experiences in the past of girls, girls that i hardly talk to, disliking me just cause i was naturally thin and tall. =/ weird world we live in), but whatever it is, i am glad i don't have to live up to those expectations anymore. I never liked it when people expected me to be this or that, basically being who i am not. At least now his girlfriend should be having a easier time fitting in after i left, considering how much i have lowered their expectations. Haa! I'm so glad my dear's mum doesn't have all these stupid expectation, i guess in a way she did influence who he is today, he doesn't put silly expectations on others and so long as they are honest and good people, he is alright with them, but i guess that can be kind of a bad thing as well, cause it makes him too trusting and end up getting backstabbed by people so many times. =/

I just hope that God will see the good qualities in him and give him a chance to right his wrong.

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