Monday, January 14, 2013

Just needed to dump some things that was on my mind today

I haven't written in my blog in a long time, but i'm writing here because i have something on my mind that i want to get off & i don't want to bother my friends about it.. Also, because it's about my ex, i don't want people to think i'm still hung up on him, which is not the truth at all, just to prove that i am not hung up on him still, recently the company he partnered with his friends opened an outlet very near my place. While i was taking bus to town one day, i happened to look up and out of the window when the bus was passing their shop, i saw him in the shop for that few seconds that the bus passed by. All i felt was disgust & repulsion. So yeah, that is prove enough i am not hung up on him.. Anyways, back to the point of why i am writing this post. It is just that i realized something today and i just want to get it off my mind..

Well, from information received from people, he owns two businesses with 2 friends now.. One is an interior design company & the other, some hair salon. What i just realized today was that these were actually  ideas i told him about years ago when i was still with him.. I can even remember roughly the events that happened when i told him those ideas as well.. Though the interior design company he is in today wasn't the same company we spoke of then, but the idea was the same, even the friend who he is partnered with in the company is still the same person.. I'm guessing the previous company his friend owned with another guy just didn't work out, so he most probably moved on to partnering someone else for the business. I remember the first time i told him to try & talk to his friend about being a partner in the firm was when he told me about how two of his friends started a firm together. He was no doubt envious cause he have been wanting for the longest time to be his own boss.. So that was when i asked him to talk to them about being a partner.. I dont remember why exactly he didn't go about doing it, but one of the reasons was money & also the main reason was that he was still under contract with the navy.

His other hair salon business is also a franchised business of his that same friend.. I remember telling him this idea after i spoke to his friend at a club, during one of his other friend's birthday party celebration, while having a smoke with him at the smoking room.. We were having a conversation on what he is doing and he told me about how he owns a hair salon business in Malaysia (which he most probably opened for his wife cause she is a hairdresser and she is malaysian). I remember telling my ex to consider franchising his friend's hair salon business in Singapore since it hasn't opened it first outlet here yet.. But yet again, i don't really know why he didn't go about doing it but the reasons were most probably the same as the above.

And now he has done both ideas that i suggested to him before. And i wouldn't even be the least bit surprised that he thinks all those ideas came from his own brain.. The idea most probably just stuck in his mind somewhere, but he most probably has no clue where and how the idea came about.. So yeah, he most probably thinks he the genius who thought of it. Yup, a successful genius riding off his friend's businesses. Any rich bloke who has the money can franchise any brand, name or company. So it really was a no-brainer kind of business venture. Plus, he was the genius who came up with the awful idea of selling customized fire extinguisher..  

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't affect me anymore how well his life is going.. I used to get really upset hearing how well his life is going now, while my life is really crappy and why isn't he getting the karma he deserves.. but i'm quite over that already cause who is to say what the future will hold? The future is not here yet and really, anything is possible. Who is to say his life won't turn to shit in future? And even if it doesn't turn to shit, who is to say my life won't be better then his in future? Anyways, as the saying goes, "the higher they climb, the harder they fall." 

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