Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Heard some sickening news, though i'm still not 100% sure how accurate it is..

Dear's mum was making ngoh hiang again today.. And she was making buttloads of it.. So i asked her why she making so many for and i think i heard her say something about Dear's sister coming back to take some home. I wasn't sure if i heard it correctly cause she was mumbling. But i straight away sian to the max.. =/

Even though now she hardly comes back to Singapore, but i still hate it everytime she is back.. From my past post, you should understand why i dislike her so much.. 

I'm not trying to be petty here, but i really feel she owes me an apology.. she was so heartless towards her own brother when he was at his lowest and was contemplating going to the loansharks or even suicide.. Being 13 years my senior i was expecting her to behave more like an adult than me, but instead she acted like a child.. screaming and lashing out at her brother, demanding him to do as she says and then subsequently me when i told her off for behaving the way she did, treating her own brother like a criminal and continuously poking at him even though he was trying his best to right his wrong and just tolerate and give in to her poisonous words.. not only that, she also told their mum a lot of rubbish to get her on her side, like what kindergarden kids do.. I would have expected more of a reasonable and calm talk, than what she had done.. True, what dear did was wrong, it was a mistake and he was adult enough to admit his mistakes.. but that does not mean she had the right to treat him like dirt.. 

In fact, if me and Chris gets married, i don't even want her at my wedding. I will send an invite, but i will leave a note saying i would rather she not attend.  

I can never forgive her unless she apologies to me and Chris..

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