Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Break-up and Make-up???

My manager is on leave today, can relax a bit. (^-^)

Saw something that got me thinking, why do some couples always play the ‘break-up, make-up’ game? What is their purpose of doing that? Ok, so maybe they do not purposely want it to happen that way, but don’t they get tired of it? I’m just wondering what could have possibly happened that is so difficult to solve and get pass? It’s not like their partner cheated and deceived them. Maybe to me, I find, so long as my partner does not cheat and lie to me about unforgivable things (like having an affair or being with me just to make use of me), then we can just work things out, let it go and move on. There is really no need for a break up really. Things like differences and incompatibility should not be an issue if the couple has been together for more then a year, because if that was the case, they would not even last for that long a period already. They would have realized it earlier in the relationship and called it off. These kinds of things are easily detectable, because it’s through feelings and feelings from the heart could never go wrong. I even read from somewhere that just because a couple does not have a lot of things in common or have a lot of differences, it does not necessarily mean that they are not suitable for one another. It is just a matter of whether they can learn to accept each other’s differences and how they compromise with one another. Some people choose to ‘break-up’ because they feel their partner is taking them for granted and that they don’t love them as much. These are things you can sit down and talk about and you will realize that most of the time, your worries are all cause by your own insecurities. That is when the problem lies with you and not your partner. So reflect on yourself.

So really, what is the point of this ‘break-up, make-up’ game? You do it one time, it fine, you do it two times, people still can accept it, you do it three, four, five times, people get bored and start to not take you seriously anymore. They will start to think, “Again? Aiya.. Nothing to worry about, they do it all the time. They’ll get back together sooner or later.” Even their close guy or girl friends, I’m sure they get tired of the same old story after awhile and they start to not worry or care so much because they know that in the end they will get back together again. I find if one couple really need to break up (actually it’s more like a cooling down period then a real break up to me), just do so without making a big fuss out of it. Don’t change your status on your facebook to single till the two of you have been apart for a few months or that you are certain there is no chance of the two of you getting back together, don’t tweet about it and don’t blog about it. Because, seriously, why do you want to hang your dirty laundry for the world to see? It gives people the impression that you’re quarrelsome, immature and just unable to solve your own problems. Just learn to be more mature about handling your problems.

These are just things I noticed and learnt through some painful lessons. We should all learn to appreciate what we have, who we have and be happy with it. Don’t keep asking for more every time, because in the end, we will only end up discouraging the ones we love and may never attain true happiness.

P.S: By the way, if after reading this, you feel that I am making a personal attack on any individual, I am not. I'm just speaking of a hand full of people in general. So take no offence after reading it. It's just food for thought. Just thought I should clarify. (",)

Ok, back to a me. Hehehe.. Went to the range again with dear yesterday after work. My swing totally sucked cause I was having the same stupid migraine headache. Lucky it wasn’t so bad till I can't even practice. I can’t get the correct swing. I think it is because the damn club is too heavy for me, could actually feel my shoulders shaking from overly exerting strength. But I still need to make do with the damn club for now because I’ve got no money to get lighter clubs. =/ Dear proposed jogging tonight, then back to the range again tomorrow and then jogging the day after and rest on Friday and weekends. Think I’m going to die. -_-“ but it’s good, at least he is motivating me to workout. So I shall be a good sport and go with it. (",)

I really do hope dear finds a job soon and things get better.


  1. so good.. he can jog with u during the weekdays. i want to jog but no kaki = no motivation. haiz.

  2. Aiya.. after he start work I also don't know if will still have the luxury of having someone to jog with me after work anymore.. just have to make full use of what I can now.. if end up he won't be able to jog with me after work anymore, I still have to self motivate in the end..
