Thursday, February 24, 2011

Still trying to keep that glimmer of hope shining

Dear’s mum just told him yesterday that after this month she will retire because her health does not allow her to continue working. Dear was like, “Shit.. later she will find out I’m not working when she see I am home everyday.” But to me, I do not think it’s a bad thing. At least now he has no choice but to go and look for a job and his mum can start taking things easy. Maybe now, he will finally get the push he needs to go look for a job and I can leave the nagging to someone else. Was getting a bit tired of having to nudge him everyday to go look for a job. Plus, he is starting to get irritated with me for nagging at him everyday. I don’t need him to get irritated with him to know that I’m getting naggy, I, myself am starting to get irritated with myself for being so naggy, but then again, if he had been more proactive at looking for a job, I would not have to nag at him either. =/ I am a person who hates to nag, and I dislike people who do things that forces me to nag.

There are so many jobs out there now and the economy is good, so anyone who changes job now is sure to be able to get a higher pay. I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to seize this opportunity to look for a job and get a good pay. He is just so pessimistic about finding a job and always saying like there is nobody out there who will want to hire him. =/ Sometimes just feel like slapping him when he says that. He is always thinking he has no skills and that employers nowadays value papers more then experience, which is a load of rubbish to me. Then what is it that he has been doing the past 17 years? I do not know anybody that can advise their bosses on what business path to take, handle a staff of 50 men, coordinate a big event like F1 on his own and is even qualified to train people in effective sales. If he actually gets a job, I’m sure he could easily get a $4k and above salary!

I’m not going to nag at him to look for a job anymore. I have done all I can for him, I send him samples of resume and cover letter as reference to do his, I even looked for job vacancies and send to him to consider, I’ve even asked my colleagues to ask their boyfriends to check if there are any managerial positions available in their company. There is nothing more I can do, the rest is up to him now and I hope he will hope harping and worrying about the bills he needs to pay next month. Yes, paying bills is important too, but so is looking for a job because a job is a long term solution to his problem. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t in the least bit disappointed in him, I am, because I look up to him as a role model. A person who was still able to come up strong even after facing many setbacks in life, a person who is so capable of doing so many that most would not be able to do, that’s the person I knew, but that person does not seem present at the moment. At times, I just feel like giving up hope on him, but I won’t, not when he needs someone now more then ever. I just hope he will do something about it soon and not let all these problems ruin our relationship with all the negative energy he is bring into it.

Looking at the positive job outlook now, I’m wondering if I should still wait till my contract is up before changing jobs. It’s only another 3 more months and I’ll get a two months bonus! I hope the job market is still good when it’s time for me to change job. And I pray really hard that I will be able to find a job that I will enjoy working the next time round.

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