Monday, February 21, 2011

I pray all will become better soon...

It’s a Monday again. Weekends always fly pass so quickly. -_-“ I read an article on the internet and they said that the ‘blues’ usually always comes in on a Wednesday because it is mid-week and we’re only halfway to the weekends. We don’t usually feel the ‘blues’ on a Monday cause the weekend just past and we are still feeling relaxed from the recent memories of the weekends. In fact, we are more productive on a Monday. So ‘Monday blues’ should change to ‘Wednesday blues’ instead. But for me, I get the ‘blues’ all week except for the weekends. I guess that happens when you do not like your job.. =/

I’m still contemplating if I should go back to studying and get a degree after my contract is up in June. Some are saying I should take the opportunity to study if I can afford to, some are saying I should only study if I really know what I want to do after complete my degree. I have weighted all my opinions, but I’m still not able to come up with an answer. =/ Many are saying I should get a degree cause it will help me get a better starting pay and faster promotion. Many are saying it’s going to be a waste of time if I get a degree and still do not know what job I want to do after and that if I end up doing a job that is not relevant to my degree, employers will value experience more in those situations. Sucks. Wish someone could give me better advice. Hate to be at a cross road and still looking for the right path to take, I just want to be on the right path and start sprinting forward. =/ Maybe.. if God can help me decide? If I can get a job that I want to do, I will not go back to studying, if I can’t get a job I would want as a long term career, I go back to studying?

Dear finally did his resume after much delay due to illnesses. Doing his resume for the first time in 17 years. 0_0 It really deludes me how a high flyer such as him could end up in a situation he is now. His whole career life has been plague with nothing but bad luck and really bad people. He would always be doing well, getting promoted and everything and then some ass-prick gets threatened by his abilities, starts deluding themselves into thinking he will try and take over their role/ position/ company and then starts doing all kinds of despicable things to stop his climb up the career ladder. Can’t believe there are so many idiotic people out there. But I guess dear was partly at fault for being too trusting and nice.

Recently he got made use of again by another ass-prick and worst of all was that person was supposed to be one of his close friend and someone he trusted. I’m glad he is no longer a friend of ours. A friend who didn’t have the balls to come out and tell his other close friend that he is currently together with his ex girlfriend nor even apologize about it, a friend that made use of dear to help him start up a new business and expecting my dear work for him without paying him just because the stupid office is not ready or that the company was low on funds or that the business have not take flight (which everybody who runs a business should know it is not possible in such a short period of time) and still had the cheek to say what dear have done in the two months was not really work. Such a friend is better off not having because you won’t know what other things he might do to you again. Good ridden to a first class A**hole.

I just hope Dear will be able to find a good paying job soon. With all the bills he needs to pay, he is really struggling to pay them and without any pay, it is really hard and it is stressing him out a lot, which makes him a little short tempered. I am trying my best to help him and I wish there was more I could do to help him, but with the little pay that I earn, there is only so much I can do. How I wish I earn more money then I do now, even if it’s just a little bit more. How I wish I am completing my contract this month, then I would get a lump sum of money which I can use to help him coop with his bills and give him more time to look for a job. =( I feel so useless. My dear is in trouble and yet I can’t help him, and it frustrates me even more that he is not willing to accept my help. If he won’t even accept help from me, then who is he going to turn to for help? It really saddens me to see him suffer like that. =( Dear God, please help him through this difficult time and help make things better for him. He may not believe in you, but I do.

Aside to a lighter note, I recently started taking up golf so that I can go to the practice range with dear and also overseas to see those beautiful golf course dear always tells me about. Golf isn’t so bad, but it’s quite tough cause there is a lot of theory to it and you need lots of practice to be good in it. Best thing is, it works your core muscles. =) So far I’ve only been to the range with dear twice, but I feel I’m progressing quite well. Hopefully it is a sport I will keep playing and will do so with dear dear.

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