Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I want things to take a turn for the better soon..

I'm so stressed out by everything that i'm losing sleep, losing appetite and even starting to lose more hair. I hope things will get better soon. No, i need things to get better soon, or my health is going to deteriorate. Already i can feel my body is feeling all the stress from all these. I do not know how much more i can take. I'm close to a breakdown. I really hope things will get better soon.

Spoke to dear’s sister yesterday. I was like their middleman, sending messages back and forth. Though his sister did offer to convey the message to him herself, but I refused. Seeing how she and dear are, it will only make matters worse if she did talk to him directly and waste all my efforts to try and get them on mutual grounds. She was saying how she felt her brother was immature and didn’t dare to talk to them directly. But from how I see things, I didn’t think it would even be possible. With her using an authoritative voice all the time, which sounds so demanding and belittling, is not going to get things anywhere with her brother’s character. Dear is a kind of person, loosely translated from Chinese to English, who eats soft and doesn’t eat hard. Even if you feel he don’t deserve the kind treatment that he requires, the only way he will actually listen to you is to still treat him with patience and kindness.

I find it wrong for his sister to judge him on how much housework he helps out at home when she conveniently runs off to Hong Kong to work and get married and throws all responsibility of looking after their mother to her brother. Another thing I disagree with is the throwing of responsibility of the family’s sole-bread winner onto him, I feel its very unfair to dear, just cause their father screwed up and their parents even up divorcing, he should be appointed the family’s sole-bread winner just cause he is the only male in the family. Who ever invented that rule? Everything that happened was not even his fault and now their parents screwed things up it is his responsibility? I’m sure he would be more then willing to be the sole-bread winner of the home if he was able to, but the thing is he is not able to now, so why can’t she help shoulder the responsibility as well and not conveniently push all the responsibility to him just because he is a guy. He is only human.

Anyways, no point pushing the blame back and forth, they are both in the wrong and both of them seriously need to grow up instead of pointing the finger at one another. Nothing is going to be solved screaming at each other and nothing can be solved not talking to each other either. Mature adults sit down and talk matters out calmly and compromise.


  1. Now we know why he doesnt want to transfer the name of the flat to his sis.. he hasn't gotten any reply from the companies that he sent his resume?

  2. Ya.. but he transferred yesterday & now his sis is not keeping her words to help him.. to me it doesn't matter what the person said, if you said you'll help then you bloody well do it without anymore conditions. I just find out all the truths yesterday.. she has been spouting a lot of rubbish to their mum to get her to stand on her side.. everything she said are all half truths.. she didn't even dig deeper to find out the reason why he did this or why everything ended up this way & just jump to her own conclusion that he did all those things cause he felt like it and that he was irresponsible. As family you should be trying to make things better & not stir more Shit in.. but she is doing exactly that.. useless one.. only know how to scream, shout & demand from people.. bet she don't even know her brother gave up a lot of good opportunities to work overseas & earn good money because of her.. because she is constantly travelling & there was nobody else to look after their mum.. ungrateful!
