Thursday, March 17, 2011

We are the masters of our own lives and own emotions...

I'm quite tired of hearing people, directly or indirectly, telling me to leave him if i am suffering so much. I really wonder who is the stupid or dumb person who taught them to leave or abandon a person just because they are facing a difficult point in time and when they need the support of others. Don't tell me if you married someone and he/she faces some hard times, you are going to divorce them? If i can't even get through this bump in the road now with him, what am i to do when we do encounter another bump when we are married? Even for a friend, i wouldn't do that, why should i do it to someone i hope to get married to?

Many who read my recent entries may question why do I still hold on and stick around to go through all these shit, when I can just leave and have a better life. The question I want to ask back is, why not?

Just because someone is going through a rough patch now we should leave so that we don’t get dragged down with them? That is not even the right attitude and right thinking. Even in religious teachings, they do not teach you to abandon person at their lowest point in life and when they need the support of someone, be it moral or physical support, the most the moment in time. And it is not only in religious teachings that they teach it, it is also a moral value.

To me, so long as the one I love do not cheat, steal, lie or deliberately want to cause harm (physical or mental) to me, I will forever stay faithful to that person, because all other problems to me are solvable, with just a bit of compromising, understanding and effort from both parties. If a person chooses to leave because of any other problems other then the above, to me it’s like giving up, running away from the problem and not wanting to try anymore. Which is fine, but that is just not me. I believe strongly that anything problems a couple may face is solvable; it’s just a matter of whether you wish to face and deal with the problem heads on or not.

People always blame their negative feelings on others and never themselves. I may question why I am feeling this way, but I never blame anyone else for feeling miserable or angry or upset, because your emotions are yours and no one can control your emotions but yourself. Yes, people may try to manipulate you to feel a certain way, but in the end, whether you want to let the person affect you or not are all up to you. It’s the same with confidence, I’m sure you have met people, who, no matter how many setbacks they take or encounter, they are still the same confident person. And why is that? It is because they choose not to let things like that affect who they are or how they feel.

I am still learning to spot things that affect me to better control my feelings and emotions. I believe that when you find the source of what is making you feel miserable, you will be able to correct it. And I can tell you one thing, most of the time when you do find the source of your misery, it is usually your own self. And that is why there is this saying, 'You are your own worst enemy'.

Dear got an interview for a very good position. The recruitment person helping him is really nice and is doing all she can to help him get a job because she feels strongly that he is capable and is best fit for the job. You all may think that she is just another recruiter trying to earn money, but her job is to find people with capabilities and not papers to fit higher management positions. I find one thing she said was very true - paper qualification can only help you that much, there will come a point when your papers will not matter and that your abilities is most important'.

She is trying to arrange to have him interview with the 2 higher management personel to interview with him for a position of business developer in 2 big companies. Hopefully some good news will come our way soon.

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